
Do forget that, life is not depend on its period but how you live with it....each time and each minutes is precious to each of us....some life is short but live full with colors, even though we may gone but the memories we share will be capt in memories that belongs to us...share your life with others, share your feeling with others, share you joys and tears with others where it is they is also a part of your colorful life....when we gone, tears will not drop from our face ,but the smile that will be bring to the happy always and appreciate with those who share with you...XD

Having feeling towards a person you like, but still can't express to him or her is a pain in the heart.....maybe we are afraid to receive the news that we do not want to hear, but the pain in the heart, in the soul still remain there.....When we spill it out from our mouth, nothing can do for it...only two choices awaiting for you which is a good news and bad news only....when we had the good news we may share it with those who cares for you, but when you receive bad news you may want to be alone, didn't want to let other to know the pain...maybe we are too selfish towards feeling, but that the truth in the reality...some say that time is the best medicine to cure the tore in the soul, but maybe that the toxin consume by me....

Yesterday night, i have view a short massage.....a touching massage....and i had drop my tears after reading it....this massage is regarding a love to his a wife that had been to the heaven....although his wife had been pass away for almost a years, but they still contact each other through sms...on the last day of the years, he receive a last massage from her wife and said that " thanks for your love and caring for all this years....I feel happy with it and will be in my soul always ,you may marry another lady to replace me and dear I Love You....." this is the last massage that he receive from her beloved wife....he went outside and look to the blue clear sky and said to his beloved wife " Dear, I also feel very happy to have you with me all the year even you are gone...I am still a happy single.........and I also love you dear.......I really miss you and i really hope to hold your hand again dear......

This is the massage that i cry, i didn't know that love can be this strong and also this firm... It reminds me to a person that have huge impact on my life....thanks to have you in my life and i will have your memories in my soul happy in the heaven, and i will also be happy here even you had leave us.... (T_T)






a person that only wish to know more friends and also express his own feeling towards everything...


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